Thank you for your unwavering generosity Wake!

Because of you, we celebrated our Grand Opening on February 4th, where we saw over 1,000 people in attendance.

What a testimony to God's faithfulness and your sacrificial giving!

An extraordinary season of growth presents an opportunity for us to go above & beyond for the next generation

6X Sunday Gathering Attendance

Wake Houses

45% of Community Engaged

3X Growth for Kids

Early Childhood & Elementary

Wake Young Adults

500 in attendance since est.

150 Baptisms

Wake Online

Over 620,000 views

Wake Youth Camp

300 Students | 20 Baptisms

Wake Volunteers

27,000 Hours Served

We long to hear more stories of life change like McKenzi's story:

McKenzi encountered Jesus last year at youth camp. She gained a deep understanding of God's love and its impact on her life.

Before Christ, McKenzi's perception of Christianity was attending church and nothing more. However, after surrendering her life to Christ, her perspective changed. This turning point marked a desire to mend relationships, embrace spiritual growth, and embark on a new journey guided by her faith in Jesus.

As a result, McKenzi made the decision to get baptized at Wake with her friends and family, celebrating the life change she experienced. Since then, McKenzi's life has been marked by profound changes, including reconciliation in relationships and personal growth, both spiritually and emotionally.

Next Gen Auditorium

Next Gen Auditorium

Within our building, we still have 30,000 sq ft of undeveloped space. We will utilize a portion of the space to establish a Next-Gen Auditorium, a dedicated space for our children and students to gather and foster their spiritual growth. Furthermore, it enables us to relocate Wake Kids Check-In to our lobby, eliminating the external walk from Oh Toodles.  

Our goal is $250,000.

We are calling on our community to go above and beyond our regular giving to meet this vital need.

Together, For The Next Generation

Together, For The Next Generation



We will have a commitment on Sunday, March 24th where we will bring a portion or the total of your commitment.

Here's a breakdown of how we can make this happen together:

  • 1 Commitment @ $30,000

  • 2 Commitments @ $20,000

  • 3 Commitments @ $15,000

  • 5 Commitments @ $10,000

  • 5 Commitments @ $5,000

  • 10 Commitments @ $2,000

  • 10 Commitments @ $1,500

  • 15 Commitments @ $1,000

  • 15 Commitments @ $500

  • 20 Commitments @ $250